We aim to take individual and collective climate action - at individual, community and societal levels.
Social Workers for Climate Action is our antidote to fear, overwhelm and eco-anxiety.
Our individual and collective action enables us to remain actively engaged in environmental and climate issues, as we know that a) the solutions exist right now and b) it's not solely up to us, and us alone, to fix it; combined individual and collective action is how we will turn this around.
Climate change is happening now. This is why we are taking action now.
This is a call to action for all social workers.
Will you join us?

Here's a taste of some climate actions we've been involved in:
North Queensland Conservation Council - Climate Action Group
Our members, Sandra (L) and Emma (R), along with Nicola (C) from Townsville City Council, at a local sustainability event.
"Our Townsville" event:
Our member Sandra pictured at a recent "Our Townsville" community event, representing SW4CA. She is pictured casting her vote for the Council to plant more trees.
Townsville Community Cabinet Meeting:
Our members, Emma (L) and Sandra (R), met with Peter Hanley (Amnesty Townsville), Annastacia Palaszczuk (QLD Premier, at time of meeting).
ZannaG 'TRASH ART' Workshop:
We attended a creative workshop aimed at connecting people through independent creative arts opportunities from everyday waste materials. We left with beautiful affirmation cubes - one is pictured above.
Garden Oasis 'How-To':
Our member Natalie shared her knowledge and tips on how to create a beautiful garden oasis in any backyard space.
Climate Conversations in the Workplace reflection:
Our member Georgie shared her reflections on the importance of grassroots conversations about climate change in workplaces.
Park Art:
Created by our passionate member, Emma. Speaking about what sparked the idea, she said, "With so much doom and gloom surrounding the topic of climate change I thought it would be beneficial for the social workers of Townsville to be able to come together for an uplifting activity."
AASW 2021 Practice Standards Review:
We collaborated on suggestions for the Australian Association of Social Workers' 2021 Practice Standards Review. Our members Peter (L), Sandra (C) and Natalie (R) brainstormed ideas together.
Field Education for Eco-social Work Ready Graduates article:
Our member and James Cook University staff member and PhD student, Sandra, wrote an article reflecting on whether caring for the environment has the ability to help social workers to improve personal and professional wellbeing and reduce anxiety, stress and burnout.
Eco Social Work in Australia Podcast episode:
Dr Peter Jones recorded a podcast episode titled 'Eco-social work from a professional training perspective'. Available on Spotify.
School Strike 4 Climate:
We stood in solidarity with School Strike 4 Climate at the Townsville action. Our member Natalie spoke on behalf of
SW4 CA. #FundOurFutureNotGas
World Social Work Day:
Dr Peter Jones gave a detailed presentation regarding climate change and social work.
Climate Change Bill Submission:
Some of our members caught up via Zoom to work on our submission in support of the 'Climate Act Now' Climate Change Bill.
'Healthy, Renegerative and Just' Signatory:
We are a signatory to Climate and Health Alliance's climate and health policy framework, 'Healthy, Regenerative and Just', and called on our Prime Minister and Health Minister to demonstrate climate action.
Read more here: CAHA
School Strike 4 Climate:
We supported the "Fund Our Future Not Gas" Global Day of Action.
Global Climate Change Week:
We shared our individual stories as an awareness raising activity for eco-social work.
Queensland State Election 2020:
We ran a social media campaign seeking to increase awareness of political party policies regarding our natural environment.
We Supported Renewables:
We called for action from our Federal Government, whilst utilising the opportunity to catch up socially over a shared dinner.